The notification link/url is called by DV PASS to notify you of the status of a payment. This url must be available to accommodate HTTP requests of type GET and POST and return statut HTTP 200 OK .
The notify_url must be the only mechanism to implement to automatically synchronize payments to your merchant site. DV PASS will call this link after each update to notify you of status changes during a transaction.
At the end of a payment, DV PASS systematically calls the notification url for the concerned service. This call aims to inform the merchant site of the payment status (even if the customer does not return to the site). The merchant will then be able to validate the order if the payment is verified and accepted.
The notification url is not necessary if you don't need to have the payment status in your database, as you have the payment history in your DV PASS backoffice.
Ex: Donation collection application.
The server executes a POST request containing :
you will have to collect mainly cpm_trans_id and cpm_site_id posted by DV PASS for the continuation of the configuration.
To ensure the integrity of the data you are processing, you need to perform some checks:
After getting it, you have to check in your database that the status of the payment concerned is already successful:
To know the status of a transaction, you must send the following information in JSON format.
Using this url:
for more details, please see the section Transaction verification
When the payment is successful, you will receive this response from DV PASS:
"code": "00",
"message": "SUCCES",
"data": {
"amount": "100",
"currency": "XOF",
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"payment_method": "OM",
"description": "GFGHHG",
"metadata": null,
"operator_id": "MP210930.1743.C36452",
"payment_date": "2021-09-30 17:43:30"
"api_response_id": "1633023959.8459"
{primary.fa-info} Then you will have to deliver the service. Don't forget to update your database.
In case of failure, you will receive this answer from DV PASS:
"code": "600",
"message": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
"data": {
"amount": "100",
"currency": "XOF",
"status": "REFUSED",
"payment_method": "OM",
"description": "GFGHHG",
"metadata": null,
"operator_id": null,
"payment_date": " "
"api_response_id": "1633024200.1830"
{primary.fa-close} No services shall be provided. Don't forget to update your database.
After payment, you can test your notification url using an http request application. For the example, we will use PostMan
Available GET
1) Enter your return url
2) Select the GET method, then click on "Send
3) You should receive Status 200 OK(If this is not the case, you will find the cause here
Available POST
1) Enter your notification url
2) Select the POST method
3) Select the content-type x-www-form-urlencoded
1) Enter cpm_trans_id and cpm_site_id with their respective values, then click on "Send".
4) You should receive Status :200 OK(If this is not the case, you will find the cause here
Code | Cause | Solution |
Status: 404 | Your url was not found | Check that the url entered is correct. |
Status : 419 | This error is due to the crsf token of laravel which must be sent for each POST request. | Disable token verification by mentioning your route name in app/http/middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php |